Pride Directed by Matthew Warchus Written by Stephen Beresford Released May 24, 2014 at the Cannes Film Festival Drama (history) 119 min. Amazon • trailer…
Browsing: LGBT pride
Folsom Forever Written and Directed by Mark Jensen (as Mike Skiff) USA Premier: June 22, 2014 at the Frameline Film Festival…
A Tribute to Drew Robert Shafer Founder of The Phoenix Society for Individual Freedom in Kansas City, Missouri by Michael Pfleger,…
September 26, 2013. In regards to the story about the man, Will Walters, who was arrested for public nudity at gay…
July 4, 2013. Each year when I march in the New York Gay Pride parade—and that has become somewhat rare—I…
July 2, 2013. Dear Chuck Colbert:
June 17, 2013. Regarding the Summer 2013 issue of UltraViolet/LAGAI-Queer Insurrection: It is interesting to see/hear the experiences of others…
June 11, 2013. While most media and people are waiting and worrying about what the Supreme Court is going to…
June 8, 2013. It is time to just go ahead and say it. Why hasn’t it been done sooner? St.…
…Liberty Press is not just for Kansas. June 3, 2013. On reading Kristi Parker’s article in the current issue of Liberty…