…from Bet Power and the Sexual Minorities Archive.
July 10, 2013.
Today a page created by the Sexual Minorities Archives (SMA) about Black Lesbian Feminist activist went live on Wikipedia. Here is the link.
We have also posted a cross-reference page for “Ernestine D. Eppenger,” Eckstein’s given name.
Research and text for the page were done by SMA summer 2012 intern Ollie Schwartz and copyedited by myself and by SMA summer 2013 intern Anne Fontaine, who also programmed and posted the page.
This page is an important contribution to historical research about pre-Stonewall Lesbian and Gay activism, and it breaks the silence about Eckstein and her instrumental role of helping to bring street protest tactics from the Black Civil Rights Movement to the nascent Gay and Lesbian Movement in the mid 1960s in the United States.
Please share news of this page with others who may be interested.
Bet Power
Executive Director & Curator
Sexual Minorities Archives
National collection of TLGBIQ literature, history, and art since 1974